Yankton Thrive is proud to provide 89 new lots for home ownership in Yankton city limits. While we still need to get the streets completed, we are ready to sell lots so individuals, contractors and developers can make plans to start construction in the Spring.
Click the icons below to learn more about the process to purchase lots. We are happy to answer any questions and can be contacted via phone (605-665-3636) or e-mail (thrive@yanktonsd.com).
This project has become a reality because of the investors in the YES4 campaign and members of Yankton Thrive. Their investment in our community is allowing us to create 89 new workforce housing lots for development. While we choose not to require the utilization of local resources and contractors, we certainly encourage it. Please check out the Thrive directory to see a full list of our members. Let’s work to keep our tax dollars local!